My morning started, as they all do, with Jack stirring early. I dragged myself out of bed, changed his diaper, and because this weather is still so stinking hot I thought it would be smart to let him skip the clothes for now.
We went downstairs, he in his cowprint diaper and me in my pajamas, and I made a pot of coffee. I fired up my laptop so I could read the morning news while feeding Jack, as I always do, and I set Jack on my lap. He ate happily for a few minutes and then...then I felt it. A very wet, hot spot, spreading onto my lap. It actually took my brain a few moments to process what was happening.

I refastened his diaper, set him on the floor and ran to the bathroom like I was on fire, listening to Jack wail as I washed up. He quickly discovered his toys and was totally unconcerned about his interrupted breakfast, so I took the opportunity to dress for work before returning to finish Jack's breakfast.
And then he barfed on me. On my work clothes, my shirt and pants. I was covered. Jack, on the other hand, seemed rather pleased. He actually laughed.
Jack, I've said it before and I'll say it again: it is a good thing you are cute.

Followed and Liked from MBC! Very cute blog, can't wait to read more!!
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I already left a message at the Bloggy Mom's but I have to again as it's a funny story & I can relate to it. Also, he looks sooo cute & innocent, how could you get upset at him? They know how to play your heart, don't they? ;)
I'm following your blog now.
Hope you don't mind me dropping a comment but what a morning AND a mess! Of course he decorated your work clothes isn't that always how it is? Though that cow diaper is absolutely adorable : )
Murphy's Law of Jack!! ::giggles::
ROTFL!! Oh my gosh. I forget about such things with my boys being 15 & 16. Fortunately, they no longer pee or barf on me. Ha! Ha! Love the cow print diaper. :D
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