About MBJ

Welcome to Monkey Butt Junction!

Our cast of characters:

Jenn - Full time working mom, author of the blog, a little on the crunchy side, and a wannabe gardener. 
Dan - Stay at home dad, transplanted from beautiful sunny California to beautiful chilly Wisconsin. 
Jack - The light of our lives, and the kid with the best hair on the block.

Our great "how we met" story.
Myspace.  We met on Myspace.com in 2007.  Three years, 2200 miles and one beautiful baby son later we are living a blessed, blissful life. 

Why Monkey Butt Junction?

Catchy, isn't it? Dan, in all his romantic sensibility, thinks that Monkey Butt is a great pet name for his wife.  Amazingly, I haven't killed him yet.  It's a good thing he's handsome.