Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day Photo Preview

I know my husband doesn't read my blog unless I tell him to, so I can be all sneaky here and share the Father's Day photos we took at Frame Park today.  Everything aligned quite nicely for us to sneak out for photos:  the weather was perfect, Dan was busy with his work, and Jack was in a great mood.  In fact, Jack was all smiles, all day.  Until the camera came out.  Then I couldn't get him to smile if I paid him.  So we have very serious Father's Day photos.

Jack can't sit unsupported for very long yet, so we did have a few oopsies.  I thought they were funny.  Jack wasn't as amused as I was. He'll learn.  I wasn't laughing at him, exactly.  Okay, I was.

We didn't get quite as many good photos as I had hoped.  Jack was particularly drooly today, so about a third of the photos feature a giant drip on his chin.  His good mood didn't last as long as I had hoped either.  But we did get enough photos to give Dan some very sweet pictures for his first Father's Day.  Happy Father's Day, babe.

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