15 Health Food Impostors - A list of healthy sounding foods that really aren't, along with a nice list of alternatives for each.
The Color of Trouble is a nice summary of the concerns associated with artificial colors in food.
Just so I can beat the high fructose corn syrup drum a little harder, I present you with this article on the Corn Refiners Association attempt to sway bloggers. Old news, but nevertheless a good summary of the primary objections to HFCS.
Right after the approval of GMO alfalfa, we now have approval for genetically engineered sugar beets. Keep on shopping organic!
Eat Wild is a wonderful resource for locating and learning about grass-fed meat and dairy.
Enough on food. Time Magazine has this wonderful short called Why Spoiled Babies Grow Up To Be Smarter, Kinder Kids. While I disagree with the use of the word "spoiled," I love the article itself.
If you live in my part of the country, you spent a lot of time mid-week digging out from underneath a ridiculous amount of snow. The Big Green Purse has a great list of eco-friendly ways to de-ice your driveway. Even the nongreen among us can appreciate alternatives that will reduce the schlepping of residue into the house from salt-covered snow boots.
Better late than never, we are beginning our foray into baby sign language. I've found that this site has a nice introduction to some basic signs (including videos for people like me who have a very hard time with written directions). I'd love to hear from parents who have had success with teaching sign language to their children.

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