He's a real man of a man. I like him.
My son, contrarily, is so far turning out to be a committed vegetarian. I know, I know. It is early. He could change his mind next week or next year. But for now, he's holding the "meat is murder" line pretty well. Daddy is not so thrilled. If he had his druthers, Jack would be eating venison that he killed and gutted himself.
We discovered our son's vegetarian lifestyle last week when I found jars of first stage turkey, chicken and beef baby foods. One of the many wonderful things about Jack is that he likes food. Period. The kid loves to eat. That is, until he tried baby chicken.

Oh, was I wrong. With the first spoonful, his sweet little face twisted and contorted into a "Mommy, I thought you loved me!" expression. His little tongue protruded and he started making a gagging sound. Of course, I did what any good mother would do: I laughed, grabbed the camera, and gave him another spoonful. His opinion didn't improve by the second or third bites, and by the fourth bite his expression suggested that I fed him a very sour lemon covered with acid. Even I wasn't cruel enough to feed him more.
We retired the chicken to the trash, and I fed him baby carrots that night. All was forgiven. He's a real carrot-hound.
Thinking that the chicken incident was just a fluke, we tried the turkey a few days later. Same reaction. Same mirth. More photos.
So for right now, my son is a sweet little hippie vegetarian kid. Stay cool , Moonbeam. Momma loves you.
(This photo was taken just as the "something ain't right here" realization set in.)
*And in my book, there's nothing wrong with being a long-haired hippie vegetarian.
Um. Where at the photos?!
You're right. This needs photos. Sadly, the best "WAAAHHH" photos turned out blurry because he was squirming around so much by then, but I added one photo, taken right as he realized that something was amiss.
awww Penny is all about the squash thus far....i mean she eats anything...but squash makes her do the happy dance...we haven't even tried 1st stage meats...lol
p.s.correct me if Im wrong but I belive someone has a half year birthday coming up veeery soon!
June 24 is the big 6 months! Unbelievable.
Jack likes his squash too, but carrots are by far the favorite. I had wanted to wait until 6 months for solids but his pedi recommended an early start because he was having some stomach troubles. Rice cereal helped immediately; was like night and day. Plus he's such a big dude, he eats a lot.
As for the 1st stage meats, yeah. Yuck. We'll stay vegetarian here for awhile.
This is an adorable child!
My friend's son was also naturally vegetarian. Don't think it changed with the years. (He's now just out of college.)
Make the meat yourself - I make Landon's food, but he has jars when we are out. He will not TOUCH anything with meat in it, but if I boiled the chicken and pureed it, he was all over it. Boil a little venison with some garlic and puree it with some of the water you cooked it in. Freeze it in an ice cube tray and pop them out into a ziplock when they are hard. Daddy can microwave him little man meatcicles whenever he wants.
Rachel, I'm going to try homemade with him next time I make chicken. The jar stuff smells foul.
I updated this entry to include a much better photo I pulled off of my husband's phone. That is totally how Jack felt about the chicken. Poor kid.
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