You know, Gelato:

A number of countries actually have laws in place that restrict what a parent can name their children. Some do so to preserve nobility naming traditions, while other laws are aimed at saving children from their parents' jackassery. Mental Floss has a great summary of the naming laws of eight countries. You can read the whole article here, or if you just want to skip to some of the best names, I present you with the following rejects:
Yeah Detroit
and Sex Fruit
They make Gelato seem almost Jenniferish, don't they?
Good night, sweet Gelato. Catch up with me when you're seventeen and I'll help you file the petition for a name change.

Gelato? That is just too sad for words. That poor child. It really makes you wonder where some people's heads are.
Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns
Sex Fruit? bwahahahaha!
and I love the new look btw
Thanks! I'm still working on the blog redesign but I think it is coming along pretty well. Definitely a learning curve.
I love bad baby names. I went to school with an Exaultation (Exy, for short) and Infinity and I think that craziness inspired my quest to find bad names.
D and I were catching up on america's got talent last night...and the last contestant made me think of you...
Her name...
was spongejetta
like sponge bob and the car (Jetta)
say it with me now spongejetta! lol
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