Thursday, March 18, 2010

Forgive me husband, for I have sinned...

Forgive me husband, for I have sinned. I purchased Babylegs for our son. And not just one pair. Five pairs.

For the uninitiated, Babylegs are like legwarmers for babies. I think they are terribly practical - Jack has a bunch of great little onesies that I'd love to show off but it is just too cold out for him to be bare-legged, even in our house. Enter Babylegs: Jack can wear his cute onesies paired with Babylegs and his legs will be covered.
I was a little worried about my husband opening the package with the Babylegs before I could offer an explanation. I could just picture him opening them up, pulling them out of the package one by one, turning them over, trying to ascertain just what the hell they are. I imagined him calling me: "Jenn, your ugly socks arrived." Telling him that those ugly socks were actually legwarmers for his son would not go over well. I called him with my confession.
In all fairness, I tried to choose "manly" (or at least "boy-ly") styles. One pair sports a firetruck, another pair is black and gray. So it isn't like anyone will mistake him for a girl.

My husband was not impressed. He will learn to love the Babylegs. I know he will.

I'm sure Jack will love it years from now when I show his first girlfriend the baby photos of Jack in his Babylegs.

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